How to Unwind During Midtems

Bubble Bath

Midterm season is here for us college students. If there is one thing the word midterms trigger it is STRESS. Midterm season is not fun for any college student, it is a time of dense work loads, projects, and exams. But you shouldn't have to feel this way 24/7 during midterms. I will be sharing some tips and tricks on how you can unwind and destress even with midterms...sounds almost impossible right? Well it's not. 

To relax the mind here are a few tips:
  1. Soak in a warm bath 
  2. Write. Some people can cope with their emotions better if they jot them down in a journal. Try it out, see if it's for you. 
  3. Listen to soothing music 

To relax the body here are a few tips: 
  1. Yoga. This might seem like a cliche tip but seriously yoga works. 
  2. Get a massage. Messages are very relaxing, helps if you get one once a month. 
  3. Have a warms drink that does not have any caffeine or alcohol. Try an herbal tea. 
